Commitment, motivation and positivity are in the air at LANO Yoga in Chichester and Southsea. Whether you’ve just began practicing yoga to kick-start your new year, or you’ve recently returned to regular classes after some time away, your energy in the studio has set 2020 off to a great start.
With new routines for the new year well underway, now is the time to determine if how you’ve started is how you mean to go on. In order to make 2020 a year of personal growth that is sustainable and ongoing, it’s time to ensure that your wellness goals are no longer a new year’s resolution, but instead, a new habit for a happy, healthy life.
Seeing in the new year with firm fitness and well-being goals can encourage a sense of energy and motivation. But as time ticks on, we start to put wellness on the backburner in order to juggle the ensuing business of the year ahead. This is a pattern many will recognise: setting out strong and with the best intentions to keep up our new routines, but before long, settling back into old and familiar patterns.
This, then, is the golden time when the commitment you put in at the start of the year can turn into real, lasting change. The trick to accessing this kind of longevity in your well-being routine isn’t harder work, longer exercise sessions or chasing specific results. It’s simply consistency, and making a habit out of the good work you are already doing.
A little extra effort now to make something truly part of your routine, can make all the difference later. That little extra push to get to class; making time for your yoga before or after work; rising that bit earlier on the weekend to get your practice in; these are the choices that build a solid and consistent approach to making your wellness become part of your lifestyle.
And it’s not about bringing your strongest practice every time you step onto your mat, in fact, a yoga practice which holds the most longevity in a balanced one. By mixing your stronger, more dynamic classes with a Gentle or a Slow in your week of yoga, you can set yourself up to feel energised each time you return to your practice.
Additionally, during those spells when life can get a bit hectic and it’s a struggle to make time for your regular yoga lessons, you could try doing some yoga at home. Even if it’s simply a few stretches in the morning accompanied by a few deep breaths, developing an independent yoga practice can be a great way to keep your yoga ticking over when things get too busy to make it into class. That way you’ll be more likely to get straight back into lessons again when things quieten down.
A little over time adds up to a lot of great results, and the more consistent your approach, the more progress begins to show through. Progression in your yoga practice can often feel specifically linked to physical improvements, and it’s true that as your body becomes stronger and more flexible, you can see and feel change taking shape. In addition to these physical benefits, progression related to mind and breath also begins to arise.
Yoga can start to filter into the way we deal with challenge and stress in our everyday lives, and we can begin to utilise the tools gained on our mats. Finding peace and calm during difficult times using a deeper connection to breath, allowing movement to change the way you feel, an active body helping settle the active mind mind…these are a few of the regular experiences consistent yoga practice can offer.
It’s exciting to watch our students become fully immersed in their yoga. We know that by practicing consistently over time, the benefits of yoga truly begin to show both in and out of the studio. Whatever draws you to our yoga mats and the shared energy of the yoga class environment, each time you come along to practice, you have achieved something great simply by dedicating your time to building the consistent practice that integrates yoga into all aspects of daily life, and the whole year ahead.